finding hope... a difficult situation

there is nothing like having friends - to lift your spirits - today a special friend of mine - brought me a lovely bouquet of fresh - flowers in a cool glass jar - after she left, as i was looking more closely - at the blossoms, i found

this tiny bud

poking up out of the midst of them - to me, it was as though it was offering a ray of hope - in spite of the tragic events of the last few days - i was comforted - as i am with knowing - and reassuring myself how very big my god is - how he knows our comings & goings - he alone knows when we will set foot on this wonderful earth - as well as when we will go back to see him in the heavenlies - if we believe these things, it is great comfort - when loved ones who also believe - are taken by him - it can become less of a tragedy - and a bit more of a celebration - because they're finally with our abba father - no less difficult for those left behind - yet somehow for me it does ease the pain a bit

i don't expect anyone to understand this - it's only me using my journal space to process - because that's what i choose to do - find it helpful to write since words - have always been my friends - and my sister loved words, too - she would appreciate the fact i am writing - would cheer me on for it - would say it's a great way to have...


happy day.....

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