
I was nt expecting to see any sun today as the BBC forecast said it was going to be cloudy all day so it was a nice surprise to see a few rays early in the day. This Dunnock sat on the fence next to me. Several robins and wrens were chasing each other around the garden. At least 11 goldfinches were on the new feeders. The crow is still being cheeky trying to grab the suet block.
I looked through the telescope during the afternoon and was amazed at the huge number of gannets diving and swimming just off the Point. I've never seen so many , must have been over a hundred. Hope they are there tomorrow as we could nt go down there today.
Just booked a few nights away on Skye. David is working there for a few weeks so we decided to take him over and stay in Breakish, near Broadford.It's not until the 26th so the days will be much shorter by then.

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