
We were successful in getting rid lots of things this afternoon. First some pillows and cushions to Munlochy Animal Aid where they can be used for comfy beds for the rescued cats and dogs. On to the tip to dispose of an old unit and coat hangers that we seemed to have gained and then on to the clothes bank .
We took our lunch down to Merkinch nature reserve, there were about 21 herons all lined up in a row on the piece of raised land. They looked like they were on guard.
I kept a look out through the telescope when we got home to see if the gannets were at the Point and they were. So off we went and spent bout an hour watching them diving like bullets into the sea. Several seals, including a very chilled out young one, joined us really close to the shore.
The sun was going down and the light was getting low but a slight rainbow appeared on the other side of the Firth.
I liked this photo of a young gannet and seal eyeballing each other 

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