I found gold.

The gym was packed this morning with lot's of special need youngsters.They were very well monitored, and one of the carers was taking photos of them on the biggest pink tablet I have ever seen. When I came out I walked into the fields, and took some photos of a robin, which I was intending to blip.I then called into the church to see Kevin and had a cuppa & a chat. I didn't stay long, and caught the bus home. I did some washing, and pegged it out on the line, before J came home. I went outside later this afternoon, and walked around our front garden, and just underneath our bay window, I saw this tiny little Goldcrest. I called J, and he got up really close, and was just going to gently pick him up, when he flew into the trees, I was glad to see that he wasn't hurt too badly, so I hope his mum is somewhere nearby to look after him. See my extra photo. I am now a fully paid up member of blip again. Hope you are too!

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