On the bench.

My hairdresser came this morning, so my hair is looking good now.  When she had left, we had a bowl of soup, as the weather is really cold today. This afternoon, we went to Parc Slip, and walked around the reserve. We always stop off at this spot, as there is a small pond, and we saw this lovely  bench for the first time. It has been placed in just the right spot, and the carvings are so beautiful. The sun went in while we were there, so we went back to the coffee shop and had a coffee. On our way out, we bought a jar of their Welsh Chilli Chutney. It is quite hot, but really good. We are having a later than usual evening meal tonight, as J is picking our g/daughter up from the train station. I am starving already, and my stomach thinks my throats been cut. I am sure I will survive though! 

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