the Can Can ....

 ..... can, can, can ….

It’s almost 6 o’clock.  We've been sat here since three.  We’re in the restaurant of a local garden centre having tea and a catch-up with old friends J and S who we haven’t seen since before the summer.

We talk about family, friends, books we’ve read (or not) and all the things that you only really discuss with those who share your history.  We supplement talk with a couple of rounds of tea and the time passes quickly.  

Then the lights go down and we’re the last ones standing (or rather, sitting).  Staff are putting on their coats and the manager comes over and tells us it’s time to go; the front gates are locked and we’ll have to leave by a side entrance.

Anniemay; “that’s the first time I’ve ever been thrown out of a garden centre.”

We walk to the car, exchange hugs and promises not to leave it so long next time.  

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