Watch out, there's a blipper about!

After watching the weather forecast this morning, we went out early, before the rain came in. We drove down to Ogmore-by-sea, and  we saw the Coffi Pig was parked up. We had a smoked bacon roll and a coffee , and as it was a bit chilly, we sat in the car . See my extra. I then went for a stroll, and as you can see, J took my photo, while I was engrossed in taking some of my own. It looks as if I am close to the edge, but trust me I was a long way away .. We then went over to Porthcawl, because J had to get some modelling paint, as he had bought olive green paint, instead of  olive drab big yawn  The rain started not long after we got home, so it's a cosy night in, watching Strictly. 

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