Eat, smoke, love, meow.

By Meowsers

Day Eight.

Only ten days till my girl is home! She texted me today saying Happy anniversary, i'd completely mind blanked, but today is our 6 month-iversary. and I was overjoyed to see her name pop up on my screen. She said she can't wait to get home, and it's definitely mutual, it is so nice knowing she's thinking about me. I miss her so much!

I've been writing in her little book alot, and drawing in it, and painting! It's getting full now, only about 20 pages left to fill, which is exciting.

I hope this next ten days flies by, because I need her home, and soon. She's my snuggle buddie, and without her, everything's beyond boring, she just understands me, it's nice having someone who can finish your sentences and jokes and just can't wait to see you, every time she sees me she smiles like crazy and it's so so cute. Aw. I miss her! Fucksakes.

But anyway, yes, this is my Cat Sage, she's beautiful, I love her so much!


"Happy Anniversary!! I'm not sure
how many months it's been,
but i'm guessing quite a few :P
I love you :') I can't wait to
get home

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