Dr Selim Hishmeh

We went to visit the McD today. After lunch we had a wander around Lanark which included the cemetery of St Kentigern's (ruined) kirk. McD showed us this gravestone - she and DH had to hold back large amounts of encroaching greenery on either side in order for me to get the full inscription.

I had to increase the contrast quite a bit so that it was almost readable. In case not:

Erected by
in memory of
Dr Selim Hishmeh
a native of Jerusalem
and who was
H.M. Stanley's guide
when he found
Dr Livingstone
in South Africa
Died at Lanark
28th June 1910.

I googled about a bit and found a very interesting paper about him. There's even a photo of him. I read somewhere that he was chief of the Moabites. His presence in Lanark still seems to be a bit of a mystery.

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