Compton Verney

We went to Compton Verney this morning as they were holding new exhibitions; Queen Victoria in Paris and Picasso on Paper.  The Paris watercolours comprised forty four paintings commissioned to record Victoria's ten day trip to Paris in 1855 as the guest of Napoleon III.  A very interested exhibition with each painting having a explanatory description.

After visiting Victoria we decided to leave Picasso for another day, it's showing until December 11th.  We had a walk around the park and paid a visit to the renovated chapel which is now open to the public.  The chapel has a simple tranquility. Free from most holy place adornments barring three coloured glass windows and the stone tombs of earlier Verneys.  Unfortunately some work is still going on (painting I think) and we weren't allowed into the far area of the chapel where the tombs where.  The balcony was open and that is where I took this picture.

This afternoon we watched Murray win the Shangai final.

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