
These are the Villarreal sisters, Janet on the left and Cristina, Bella’s mother, on the right. Janet is visiting from Arizona, sharing Bella’s bedroom this week. Juan, their father and Bella’s Tata, who you may remember from this post last year, is still in ICU. Bella’s other grandma went back to Arizona this morning to meet with the family and take care of personal business so she can return to Portland to stay for as long as she needs to be here.

I spent the day with the children, and Cristina and Janet spent the day with their dad. I'm sure the presence of his two gorgeous, loving daughters gives Juan encouragement and great will to survive.

Thank you for the support, kindness, thoughts, prayers, and good wishes you’ve sent for the family. I’m not able to respond to every comment, but I read every word and appreciate the strength of our community.

Thanks also for your concern for the activists who were camping out at the mayor’s house. Fortunately the police did not move in on them. They camped quietly on Friday night, through a drenching rain, and they packed up and went home on Saturday, declaring they had made their point. 

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