
By Grammy

Leaf Gazing - back blip

We began the day in Groton, NH, with a short hike to view the Sculptured Rocks Natural Area. This million-year old gorge, formed by the Cockermouth River, is about 100 feet long and 30 feet deep. The granite walls have been carved and polished by the water into bowls, beaks, curves and swirls. The lighting made my photos inadequate in providing worthy views of this wonderland. We hiked past the gorge and onto a forest trail aglow in amazing fall colors. I took this photo after my hubby suggested I quit watching my step while we hiked and enjoy the view - what great advice. From there, we visited the Squam Lake Natural Science Center in Holderness. The scenery was lovely and the weather was brisk but comfortable for more hiking. We enjoyed learning about and seeing animals native to NH, that have been rescued and rehabilitated, but were unsuitable to return to the wild including black bears, coyotes, mountain lions, various owls and raptors. I found their display of the White Mountain geology and historical timeline to be particularly interesting. This is a great place for children to learn so much about nature in many forms. We also visited more NH covered bridges.

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