
By IntothewildMan

Four-Legged Friend

I worked in Norwich and then went over to see my dear sister, Jo who is laid up with a broken leg and unable to get about much for a few weeks. Driving over the flyover, I was struck by the beauty of the cloud formations - so varied in their patterns - covering the sky in their rags and tatters, lit by a bright late afternoon sun. So we drove up to Mousehold Heath in front of the prison where we sat on a bench and looked out over the city below, the cathedral spire standing out from the  tiled rooves and streets below us. A quick trip to the supermarket to get Jo's week's groceries meant that I got the opportunity to have a quick "trial run" (trial crawl in fact would be more like it...I think the maximum speed was about 1.5 miles and hour) on the courtesy mobility scooter cum shopping cart. Kindly she had made some delicious soup so I dropped her home and we had a snack and a good old chinwag before I headed off for home and the evening yoga class.
There weren't many photo opportunities today but I did get a quick shot of our dear four legged friend Billy who certainly knows how to make himself comfortable,

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