
By IntothewildMan

Dying embers

When I awoke around 7.15, the ceiling was bright pink. It took me a moment to realise that this was caused by a reflection of the vivid pink clouds in the dawn sky. I intended to get up and take a couple of photos of it - it was so dramatic - but I made the mistake of not doing so immediately. By the time I was organised, five minutes later, everything had changed; thick grey clouds covered half the sky, heavy drops of rain were falling and in the western sky, the luminescent arc of a full rainbow shimmered on and above the horizon.
We have had a lot of rain today but in between a few sunny spells, the best of which was during the late morning when I got out for a quick stroll round the garden. Plants are slowing in their growth and some have been deadened by the chill in the air which comes as soon as the sun goes down.
There is not so much in flower but the clematis is having a second flush of flowers, as is this Rudbeckia which has turned a fiery orange as it begins to die back.

Yesterday's photo (backblip): Four legged friend

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