Away with the faeries

A nice afternoon with little un and some of our local cronies... 

We're both developing a great little group of local friends... it's lovely seeing her charging around with her pals and to hear her getting all excited about the opportunities to go to play dates... Fortunately for me the mums and dads of tiddlypom's gang are fab people and I'm really enjoying getting to know them... Today we went to a local cafe that has a climbing frame, willow sculpture walk and now a new faerie trail... with little houses to discover and secret doors hidden high and low in the trees... a perfect autumn afternoon with a little bit of magic about it... 

In other news... we met up at the weekend with another family that are recently placed with their adoptive bundle... We'd been matched up by the adoption workers at the council, as some of our experiences have synergies and they thought we would be able to provide a bit of perspective/ support/ chat... strange to think that we're now considered old hands, as I'm still learning all the time... But we had a great catch up...they're an awesome budding family and definitely friends in the making... I don't know if it's because of the shared experience,  or just because I got used to talking openly during the adoption process, but when I'm with other adoptive parents all small talk gets skipped and the conversation seems to go at 90 miles per hour... although it's interrupted constantly by the  little people with the big demands... 

Also my OU studies are galloping along... this module is fascinating and challenging, trying to get the headspace to bend my brain around new concepts is tricky,  but really worth it and I'm loving the content so far... Mind you I haven't had to write and assignment yet... 

Finally we have a mad week ahead of us... 
A trip for me and little un to see my bestie
Tiddlypom is going to start/try nursery on Tuesday
I've got an interview for a little freelance job (eek)
Dave's got a plan to visit his dad and he's also brewing new projects and ideas... 

The times they are a changing... whether its the autumn sun or today's faerie dust,  things are feeling restless,  hopeful, and full of strange potential....

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