Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

TinyTuesday: Me and My Shadow

I don't mind spiders when they stay outside but I found this one in my bathroom this morning.  In years past I would have sent her on her way to a watery grave but, of course, today I captured it and took it outside to photograph.  I made a deal with her that if she would pose in the sun and promise not to come back into the house, I'd set her free.  I think she agreed.....  Thanks to Jen for hosting the challenge this month!

And thanks to everyone who visited my journal and left stars and hearts on my blips yesterday!  I'm going to turn my comments back on with this blip.  I am going to stop being obsessive about commenting.  I tried to do this in the past but, before I knew it, I was back to spending every evening until bedtime on Blip.  I am a serious addict!   So, my plan is to continue to visit journals everyday but I won't always comment.  It sounds so simple....

Don't forget that October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  Please click on the pink bar in this LINK to support breast cancer research and offer free mammograms to people in need.  

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