Specks Appeal

By REDMarmalade

Officially Opening The Door

For the longest time iv wanted to set up my own business. I never really thought I'd have the guts or the drive to do it. But finally I threw away a part of me that's always held me back, and have taken the plunge.

Now I'll grant you, if Awsomo and I hadn't just gone through the best and worst year of our lives together, I may still have be sitting on the sidelines wishing for something better. But through our heart ache and love iv found that I am so very capable.

I don't have to be afraid that I might fail, because if things don't work out the way I'd imagined (an they rarely do) something else always presents it's self as a new challenge. Something that will help me grow in confidence, as a person, and in the love I have for others.

Im beyond grateful to all of you who have helped me strive for my dream. And to my boys, without whom, I'd still be doubting my ability.

So head held high, im officially opening the door, welcome to all you lovely people.

I look forward to meeting you.

REDMarmalade xxx

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