Are you looking at my nuts?

Today I got up early with Jae, and I stayed up. That doesn't mean I've done much that could be described as productive - I've just read my book* mostly! I'm still struggling with this cold, which I'd really hoped would have done one by now, and I have to go to work tonight or I will be really skint! 

I have been out to the post office and across into the park to look for a Blip. I saw this squirrel busy hiding conkers at the gateway to the park. He wants to mind he doesn't do himself a mischief with that stick!

I gave my parents a call as I still don't feel like I should be going there with my germs, and they are fine, so no worries there!

*"My book" would imply I only have one...probably with pictures...Not true! I have thousands - I just meant the current one I'm reading: The Trespasser by Tana French. I've read all her others and enjoyed them but this one seems a bit slow. I'm persevering in the hope that it will pick up the pace soon!

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