Abstract Thursday 69: Pets

This may be stretching today's Abstract Challenge of 'Pets' a bit...maybe this should be titled 'Pests', although I really don't consider spiders pests. These very, very tiny newly hatched spiders are hanging around their egg case, one of two eggs that momma spider has deposited in a corner of our screened room. I was going to put an extra of her carrying around a THIRD egg case but thought that might be too much. Take a look at my 'extra' to see some of these babes up close. I spent waaaay too much time on this my blip today, but I'm glad I did and I hope that you enjoy it, even those of you who are arachnophobic. You can take some comfort in the fact that only a very small number of these little ones will survive to adulthood. Probably less than 3%. Special Thanks to youoregon1 for hosting AT... thank you, Robert! :)

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