Racing ahead

Got to work early as I thought I might have to leave to collect S and take her home at some point in the day. Slightly too early (and/or too late) to score a park in the area closest to the unit and was driving away to the larger (and more distant) car park when I saw the kayakers racing across Pupuke. Stopped the car; dragged the camera from my pocket; turned it on; zoomed in slightly; took one quick shot through the windscreen.

Actually more than happy with the outcome. As, I guess, was the paddler in front.

Got a text from S mid morning, that she was likely to be discharged, but they would confirm later this afternoon. So I just spent the day getting through the work, and contacted her late in the afternoon as I was about to leave. Apparently she had told me that she was ready to leave, although still not seen by the doc (probably busy in theatre), but I hadn't got the text. Said I would be there as soon as I could. Then she called back to say that daughter J was there and would bring her home.

Thanks to all who wished her well. She is still a bit post anaesthetic, but doing very well, and we have a three day weekend (Labour Day on Monday), so I am about to look after her. 

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