
A bit of internet shopping in bed - I’ve ordered up a pair of sharp blue brogues which I saw in Mallorca but didn’t buy. Shipping Spanish shoes from the US is £40 cheaper than buying from the UK? How does that work? Then trip up town at lunchtime to meet up with eco pops for a good and in depth blether. And to pick up some of his most excellent honey, as I can now testify. A jar of gorse/willowherb/bramble/Himalayan balsam and a comb of lime tree. So the man says, though I don’t know how he polices them bees.
After that, down to pick up the winter boots, and stroll on home. Then out again - up town to meet L&P at l’escargot blanc and nosh on some typically French scran. And quaff some french wine. Maybe the bill was converted from French too as it seemed to end up being a rather large number of our tiny pounds.

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