
By Beewriter


I went for a walk, with Jude, around Entwistle Reservoir first thing this morning. I haven't been there for a long time, in fact I haven't been for a good long walk for a long time either. I really enjoyed it, it was a glorious Autumn morning and the rich colours are just bursting forth. We had taken my mum's ashes there a few years ago, so I said hello to her as I walked by her spot. My knee didn't hurt and I felt invigorated with all the fresh air. I must do it more often. 

This afternoon I went on a jolly jaunt to Ramsbottom with Pat. We had a good old mooch around and then had a cuppa in a teashop. On the way home we decided to have a quick shufty at the hallowe'en house in Swinton. The family decorate the house inside and out and have opening times when you can go in for a scare and pay money for charity. I'm going to try and go back when it is open. 

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