The Tower

It has been a very long day, in fact it is well into tomorrow now! I was up at 6am and off to work soon after. I drove the lorry to Marple and kept my fingers crossed all day that we would get off pretty sharpish. I had planned a trip to Blackpool illuminations with Jude and we were going to set off at 6pm. 

I made it with fifteen minutes to spare and we raced off to see the lights. 

There is only one week left before the switch is flicked for this year and hundreds of cars were crawling their way into Blackpool wanting to see the neon explosion of twinkling lights. We moved about one hundred metres in an hour as cars moved inch by inch and as we were starving...I'd only had a bowl of Rice Krispies at 6:30am...we headed down the back streets. It is the law to eat fish and chips when beside the sea and the law abiding citizens that we are we raced to our favourite shop. We sat on a bench and ate as we looked out into the inky black abyss. We could see the sea only when we were near the pier as the colourful lights reflected in the still waters. 

We then walked....and walked...and walked. We went on the North Pier and the Central Pier. Alex spent his money on arcade games, we had a cheeky hot donut and we watched the light show projected on the Tower building. Then we walked the miles back to the car. It was great fun, but I was absolutely shattered by the time I arrived home.

Film Star Friday

1st...meyesme with Charlotte's Web

2nd...Green56 with Singing in the rain

3rd...Ukeleleyhaley with The Witches of Eastwick

As always all the entries were great. The next FSF is 4th November. 

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