Wound up in Wexford

By Neatwithice


A long journey home.  Overnight on the plane, I got a modicum of sleep, but W, who normally "sleeps for England" on any aeroplane, actually didn't sleep very well at all.

I've rung dad, who seems to have been OK during our absence.  I "checked in" on Facebook on arrival in Norwich airport - so the rest of my family will have to make do with that (and this blip) as notice that we are safely home.  

We're now pretty shattered.  I've unpacked - as in my suitcases are empty - but I haven't put anything away.  And there is, of course, a large pile of washing in front of the machine.  We have solar panels, so we won't put a load on tonight - we'll hope for sunny weather tomorrow so we can run the washer for free.

The fridge magnets are on the fridge, and the various souvenirs have survived the journey home intact, and are lined up in the garden room.  They are ALL various forms of wild life!  When we move the plants back in there tomorrow, we'll sort out where we want each one to go.

We're expecting workmen early tomorrow to deal with our kitchen roof, and there's Fido to fetch, and shopping to do, and obviously I'll visit dad with some photos - and then it's back to work on Tuesday!  I need to start saving for the next holiday.

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