How Much is that Doggy in the Window?

I walked past this shop front at lunch time and noticed the dog in the window, so had to stop and take a photo - it's an unusual place, a barber's and a coffee shop combined! I can't imagine just calling in for a coffee, but I suppose it's handy when having a hair cut!

Tonight I've been to the Nuffield for my final echocardiogram and my cardiologist is very happy that the Herceptin treatment hasn't affected my heart at all, and it's working nicely, so that's a relief! I'm back there at 9am tomorrow for my next Herceptin but then there's only two left!

Thank you for all your kind wishes for Aunty Nan, Ann has been in touch today and said that her heart rate has slowed down, but everything else is the same, so fingers crossed!

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