Windmills of your mind.

I saw Mike in the gym today, the one that has fits  He had been to see a brain  doctor not sure of the right terminology  and she told him that the stress in his life is what is causing him the problems. He does have a lot going on in his life, but  I could  have told him that. Anyway, he said, you are like my agony aunt, as you listen to all my problems. I thought that was a nice thing to say, as  sometimes, we just need someone to listen to our problems.  Afterwards, I walked to town, and went to the bank, to pay a bill, and then caught the bus home. After lunch we went for a drive, and we saw a wind turbine being erected .J pulled over. and I took a few shots.  Everytime I see one of these, they always  remind of the song, by Noel   Harrison. I think they are a blot on the landscape. It's the final of The Great British Bake Off tonight, and I think Candice is going to win, although I like Jane best. 

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