From my garden......

.....rhododendron Percy Wiseman is looking spectacular at present. A small bush at present being a newbie and one of the first to open. The florets are pretty and bright on opening then toning down to paler colours with a deeper yellow throat developing as they age. I quite liked the progression of colours - bottom to top on the diagonal.

A mostly overcast day which was great for working in the garden. A few more plants planted and some weeding done with blackbirds following in my footsteps looking for morsels and giving me the hurry up.

My apologies.....I'm behind with thanking everyone for your generous, kind and encouraging words, many hearts and stars for my last two blips. We're having big time internet problems which is not allowing me to connect to blip or other sites, it's frustrating and exasperating to say the least!! I'm very disappointed and hoping things will be right soon. In the meantime, thank you for your patience as I plod along......I do appreciate your words and enjoy you stopping by.

I'd best fly and get this uploaded before it crashes!

Happy Thursday everyone :)

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