A thin place

.....  where the boundaries meet and where the veil between this world and the other is temporarily lifted! Getting ready for Samhain, (the real Halloween): Celtic New Year where we cross from the light of summer into the darkness of winter;  when the the laws of time and space are temporarily suspended; when the veil between this world and the afterlife are especially thin or lifted entirely. All sorts of mischief and mystery can occur. Youorgeon1 has encouraged Abstract Thursday to drift off beyond the veil - who knows where it may end up. Thank you to Robert for all his hard work and inspiration over the year and some, such a great challenge.

Edit: Rather bizarrely this has popped up in January! Don't know why as both images taken about 2 hours ago - I blame the supernatural goings on at Samhain! When I first tried to up load it it said the date was in the future!

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