
Youth – I remember the feeling of being twenty something but it feels light years away! This is Friends daughters bedroom – oh to have a fun wardrobe, actually I do, but not a bathing hat to be sure! It was another afternoon  of being with Friend after a morning drink and chat at mine with Nellie of the Woods and  after that a  chat and haircut. Decided to have the longer length cut back and feel so much more me with a much closer haircut! 
I resolved that if Friend  didn’t phone the Dr as she said she would when her oldest daughter arrived I would take action and speak directly to the daughter. I didn’t want to usurp my Friend or her daughter but Friend could not possibly be allowed to continue as she was. Well shortly after I had settled Friend to sleep and arrived home Gardener Friend called to say she had phoned the Dr and they would be visiting Friend with a view to putting her in a hospice. So I got dressed for the allotment and went back to Friend to wait with her. Eldest daughter had missed her train and was still not there! I left her to do the allotment girls and give daisy an injection, didn’t think it would help her as she had had 3 already, but she was having such difficulty breathing. So back to Friends and daughter arrived at 7 and Dr at 8. Meds were upped and as Hospice didn’t have a free bed they would be sending in staff over the weekend. Thank heavens. I came home, ate what I had intended to have for lunch and fell asleep on the sofa! 

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