
By tookie

Padden Colors

I'm back posting after a short three day trip to Bellingham where I was able to stay at my friend's home while she is out of having a mini vacation home to stay at!   I came up yesterday and have yet to post ...but yesterday I spend a lovely afternoon with fellow blipper  Connections     and also had dinner with her and her husband blipper...Looks Good to Me-Philpo..   C and I caught up on things...she was so kind to sort some cards I'm making  by colors for me while at Peg's place.  Then at her home we had a long post dinner chin wag...I think I talked her ears off!  
     We discovered our mom's both died the same day---Oct. 26th .  At least my family listed my mom's death as the 26th but I received the sad phone call the night of the 25th being on Pacific time.  That was fifteen years ago....Both our moms were able to savor their right to vote...mine being born in 1918...hers in 1920.   Mine was a closet feminist and probably would be voting for Hillary today altho she was an "Eisenhower Republican"...quite a LOT different from some of  the Trump  and tea party repubs of today..  While she was a fifties mom...she also kept books for my Dad's tree business and was a college graduate with a math major....pretty unheard of for women in her day. She was outspoken, opinionated, not very tactful at times with her comments, but warm hearted and generous and instilled social justice values to us kids in her own ways.   I'm more introverted than she was...but there are times when I know I'm "channeling Joan" with my remarks!
    I digress....I loved having one on one time with Connections again and look forward to our next shared time.  We discovered here on blip we'd actually gone to the same Ohio High School back in the sixties...she graduated with my OLDER brother ha ha...two years apart we are.  She and I both played together in band and never knew it at the time.  What a joy and very special person she is and I'm so glad we connected here !  
    This was taken Wed. the day after C and I got together...I took a walk all around  Lake Padden...a slow walk photographing and letting the crips fall leaves and pine needle aroma settle in...and the rains and misty air too.  It was serendipitous that this is the same day C was walking around Padden only we didn't know we were both there :)   Extra also of Lake Padden while on my walk around it.

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