Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

SquirrelBlipFriday: Fall Color Edition

This is my most tame squirrel.  A few years ago, when we first met, I called him Buddy.  Then I realized that he was a she, so she has been Mrs. B ever since then.  I know she had a fall litter but I'm not sure where she lives and I haven't seen any black babies.  She visits almost every day and will often sit in the tree outside my living room window and stare in until I go out with a treat like I did today.  She's very comfortable and comes right up to me and takes it from my hand.  We are still feeding hazelnuts from the 5 gallon bucket that Pipersdad collected a few weeks ago.  We haven't had to buy peanuts for a while.  :-)

Don't forget that October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  Please click on the pink bar in this LINK to support breast cancer research and offer free mammograms to people in need.

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