Early Blip

Well, it was taken (reasonably) early  - after breakfast outside the hotel.
Just as well I took it as I haven't taken any others today.

No1 son and family headed back down south at lunchtime (they have another party to attend tomorrow) and I settled down to start working through the wedding snaps.

Late afternoon I got a call to ask if I could assist taking Squirrel up to the hospital ..... she was having real problems with a sore stomach.
After nearly 3 hours she was seen by a doctor!
Of course by that point she was over the worst of it and getting almost 'perky'.
It turns out she has a stomach virus - along with half the other nursery aged kids in town who had attended the hospital apparently.
But at least the doctor was able to allay fears of appendictis - which is how her symptoms appeared.
Didn't do my back any good on those hard wooden seats though ..... back to square 1.

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