Appearances Can Be Deceptive

I was very happy for the weekend to arrive. Spending a lot more time at work, the nights fast closing in, I've been struggling to find the time and wherewithall for any exercise. For whatever reason, the energy levels have been very low this last week, but I did force myself out for a run and then a cycle today, actually being dragged a lot further than intended in the process. It sure felt good while I was out, even if it didn't feel so good once I'd got back. Still got to get the hang of this 'moderation' thing!

It was hard to believe that it's almost November. This shot gives very much the wrong impression. It wasn't wild at all. Not a breath of wind and very mild. It was actually shorts and T-shirt weather on the moor. Everyone seemed to have left wearing too many clothes, including me. There were lots of people stripping off to cool down!

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