
What an ace word.
I took this shot as I drove into Langdale this evening to deliver an Intro to Night Navigation course for the Mountain Training Association.
We had a brief briefing in the pub, and then when the sun dropped behind the hills we headed out.

It was a good mixed group, trainees, people with skill fade and people wanting to simply practice this seldom used skill. I'd been worried they'd be too mixed to keep everyone happy, but in the end the progressive lesson plan, mixing up the teams and lots of group engagement worked well - and everyone signed up for session two, yeay!

Slowly the light faded, but no-one seemed to notice. I thought I'd be able to grab a good night-time blip, but that's obviously a skill that will take practice - so it's been relegated to the extra, but I still think it gives a good feel for how I spent my day.

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