Fairy Magnolia Blush.....

I wandered the garden early this morning when the air was still and fragrance of lilac and fairy blush hung in the air, it was damp underfoot after a heavy dew, 2C as we end our first month of spring. I had a pencil and notebook, quietly jotting down ideas for some gap fillers, hostas quickly came to mind.

A new hybrid of Michelias, bred to produce masses of fragrant flowers blushed with lilac-pink in Spring.  These plants are so free flowering that they have a flower bud at each leaf axil and have been known to provide a light flush of flowers during summer too. It's been renamed and is now classed as a magnolia. Not feeling creative today, just a quick shot of these beautiful flowers against a light, soft background.

A cold easterly wind arrived later in the day keeping the temperature down, plenty of sun and warming in a sheltered spot. I've been sneezing and my eyes not so good today - bother!

Enjoy the new week :)

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