postcards from far away

By holly


I did something I've not for years today... I bought a single

The last one must have been well over ten years ago. The reason. Well Jeff Buckley's music has touched my soul over the years and this Christmas, the world of reality TV has caused a stir. X Factor's Alex is releasing hallelujah as her single in attempt to get her first number one and behind the scenes, line Simon Cowell's pocket with a few more pounds.

Now I have nothing against Simon's success, or Alex. She has an amazing voice and will no doubt do well. But for anyone who has looked behind the scenes of the UKs current top 40. Basically Simon released Leona Lewis Snow Patrol cover of 'Run' - a beautiful interpretation, a few weeks ago. Why? He released it on digital only which meant Leona would reach number 1, but with no physical copy, she would be unable to sustain this, leaving an ideal amount of time for digital sales to slow, and Alex reach number 1 with her cover.

There has been a backlash and with the help of online campaigns and loyal fans, for the first time in 55 years theres the chance of 3 singles of the same song to be in the top 40.

I'm routing for Jeff who is currently standing at number 2. For anyone who isn't aware, Jeff unfortunately died in 1997, but left behind the beauty that is Grace.

Now Alex does have an amazing talent, as already stated, but does this particular song no justice, with the feeling and depth behind Buckley's cover. Her version is about the power of her voice, not the lyrics or feeling of the song. I wish her all the best in her future career, but this is one single I cannot support.

I think these reality music shows are great for new talent, but I'm tired of them making their way by covers of classics and voice alone. Simons millions are made by the talents of old songwriters and the desperation of youth. I wonder if X Factor would do so well if they attempted a non cover for Christmas number 1... I doubt it.

Jeff Buckley's Hallelujah is a jem, and not to be rehashed. At least when Rufus Wainwright covered it, he left the lyrics in tact.

In other news Majel Barret, widow of Gene Roddenberry, creator of Star Trek died today. A sad day to the world of Star Trek. Her last offering to the cult show is voicing the computer in the new film.

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