an image of teamdel

By teamdel

Excellent again

Every day at the moment is starting too early. Either Girl is up to early or Boy is booting me out of bed. This morning was both.

Even though the clouds were out I decided we should chance it out and about today so we headed into Southsea centre. We almost got to the library before the heavens opened. Thankfully we were allowed to take cover in the shop with an obese face while it really kicked down. Boy somehow managed to stay asleep in the buggy even though he was being rained on.

Once it stopped we decided to grab some pastries on the way and then had a feast and read some books in the library. Whilst we were there we visited the exhibition which was fun as Girl enjoyed making some bookmarks, one for the wall and one to take home.

After this we charged about the town for a bit and even had a few giggles. The other day I noticed some street art that we had not seen before so we headed to it for some messing about as we do. We like this artist and given there was a good few walls of art there we had a laugh running round for pictures with the odd shopper wandering through our sillyness.

It has been a while since we have a had a really fun Daddy day and today came close. Maybe if we had some more sleep we would have got there. It is not long at all now until Girl will be at school and Boy and I will be Daddy daying on our own before her school pick up.

So we will have to fit some proper fun Daddy days in between then and now, that is if they let me get some bloomin' sleep.

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