It Started Down Under

By dirk

Project One Day One

Today we started at 8 AM at Bromley Hall with the first project of the business course. Teams were announced and we could start thinking of concepts that we would want a fictional company such as Idealab to invest money in.

We sat together, did some brainstorming, made a Visual Management Board for the project and simply worked from 8 AM to 8.30 PM. We lunched at Baker Center with the debit card that we got this morning. This morning we also got our student cards printed so we could make use of the Ping Center, Library and other student services on and off campus.

Dinner we had at Shively Hall. I entered, got almost sick from the smell of all the greasy food, but pulled through. The dinner hall was full of students and especially sport teams. The big football players were there, the basketball players, but also the cheerleaders, dance teams, girl hockey teams, and many others. After having stared the eyes out of our heads, my team and I headed back to Bromley Hall to finish our work for today and our presentation for tomorrow.

We then walked back to the hotel where we had a drink with the others at the bar. Played a game of cards with one of the coaches and I made an inventory of who would go where the upcoming weekend.

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