Cookers Galore!

Today my Dad had his hearing tests. I offered to go with him but he said no, he didn't mind going on his own. It's rare my Mum gets up before midday these days so he knew he'd be there and back before she surfaces. 

His doctors surgery is partnered with the hospital for NHS hearing services. (Some go with a store, like Boots or Specsavers). He said they are very thorough with the checks - more so than when he went to a store one - but he now has up to a four month wait to actually get his hearing aids! That's four months of getting me to make all his important phone calls! I doubt he will take that responsibility back, even when the hearing aids are ready.

After he'd been to the hospital he dropped these apples off to me. So if anyone knows any good apple recipes, please let me know! He also got to meet Minstrel for the first time. He's much more a dog person, but seemed impressed with how little and "Black as the ace of spades!" Minstrel is!

Oh yeah...almost forgot...stuff is going on where I work! A meeting between both bosses and my old boss who is renting the shop to them last night. I could hear loud voices but not what was being said, though I can imagine...Time will tell!

It was good to see Ahmed, my old boss again! He is much better than he was, health wise, though he is still far from 100%, and I'm sure he won't be taking his shop back!

I have noticed I am addicted to using exclamation marks! I've been trying to curb it and not totally succeeding!!!!

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