
This is the 4th bird I've blipped this week, so I guess I'm on a roll! Mr. Simply Gorgeous here was perched on the top of a chain link fence which surrounds a water retention pond near a grocery store I frequent.  The area is heavily wooded and rather lush with vegetation. I often drop by to visit the ducks, ibis, vultures and other birds who live, or at least hang out there. So there was this Rooster just 'cock a doodling' at the top of his lungs, I could hear him from quite a distance off. Just happened to have my camera in the car with my favorite 100-400mm lens on, although he allowed me to get within a few feet of him. Where he came from is anyone's guess. Mine would be that someone's neighbors got tired of waking up to his lovely he was dropped off in this little birdie paradise. I'll check back with him next week.  I wish him a long and happy life.
PS...people who know about such things say that he's a Rhode Island Red. He certainly does look just like photos I found online of RIRs!

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