Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

For W & D

My good friend Redflash was the person who introduced me to blip.  She and I sing in the same choir and for the first 4 or 5 years of the choir’s life we both sat on the committee.  I no longer do that but she is Chair again.  She sings like an angel.
Yesterday – as you will know if you follow her journal – her husband died of a heart attack on the train to work.  She very bravely blipped about it last night.
So this blip is for her, her husband and their family.  It seemed right to me, stumbling around on my walk at St Cross, that although we had sun there were none of the vivid colours of yesterday, but a pale sadness.  Very much love to you, W.
Apart from that, I took my old chap on his monthly outing and he said the lines he’s been learning to all the folks there.  I was proud of him.  Though much older, his brother-in-law also died yesterday, of the same thing as D.
Wishing you all a peaceful evening  xx

PS: mono in Extras

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