
I had a catch up with a friend in the garden earlier this evening, over a cup of tea and spied these wishes all just hanging about stuck amongst the branches of a tree. Now I have uploaded it, it seems to resemble an underwater scene to me too - or is that just me????

I call them wishes as I imagine them being blown by someone having made a wish for something fanciful, down right normal or even dreamlike - maybe good health, true love, a lottery win, a good night's sleep, happiness or even just a bit of sunshine :D

All packed and ready for Mum's tomorrow - the dog's know they will be heading somewhere when their bag is bought out from under the stairs and filled with bowls, leads, food etc etc. They seem to have more stuff to pack than me!

Due to piss it down rain down there, but I don't give a damn - the waterproof jacket and wellies are packed :)

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