
By usp

By land and sea - pc-p 05

postcard: Iona
poem: Helmut Krausser (2003) - Gedicht, wo nix los ist.

Abendland und Untergang,
zwei Rentner aus dem Plattenbau,
betreten ihre Lieblingskneipe.
Sagt Abendland: Ich nehm ein Bier.
Sagt Untergang: Ich auch.

So sitzen sie und trinken.
Sagt Abendland: Mein Freund –
sagt Untergang: Wer? Ich?
Dann lachen sie und trinken.

Was wolltest du denn sagen?
fragt Untergang. Und Abendland
versucht sich zu erinnern. Es fällt
ihm nicht mehr ein. Sie rauchen.

Wir melden uns, sobald sich

Today up at 4.30am (who even allows flights to leave that early!), the poem was sent to a friend from university, who has a background in drama and performing arts. To me the poem has a very theatrical feel and reads like a play. I've been in love with the author's use of language ever since I read his novel "Thanatos" 20 years ago.

Iona is a small island off the southwest coast of Mull on the west coast of Scotland. From the mainland's perspective, it's quite remote, but it's right on an old shipping route, so coming from the sea by way of trade it was not considered out of the way at all. I guess it all depends on one's perspective. Also, the sun always shines on Iona. That's a fact.

NaPoWriMo - my version of it; sending a postcard-poem each day of November. Here is the how.

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