
By usp

spoken word poems - pc-p 06

postcard: Iona
poem: Ernst Jandl (1963) - Ottos Mops

Ottos Mops trotzt
Otto: fort Mops fort
Ottos Mops hopst fort
Otto: soso

Otto holt Koks
Otto holt Obst
Otto horcht
Otto: Mops Mops
Otto hofft

Ottos Mops klopft
Otto: komm Mops komm
Ottos Mops kommt
Ottos Mops kotzt
Otto: ogottogott

This poem used to be part of the school curriculum (I am not sure whether it still is) and is therefore widely known in Austria and Germany. It's about Ottos pug (Mops) which misbehaves (trotzt) and eventually vomits (kotzt), which leads Otto to exclaim OMG (ogottogott). Jandl's poems are notoriously difficult to translate, so kudos to these efforts.

I sent the poem to a friend who is a primary school teacher and has small children. Hopefully they will enjoy it as much as I do.

NaPoWriMo - my version of it; sending a postcard-poem each day of November. Here is the how.

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