
By GirlKojak

Not a plant covered in water droplets

This gold coin should have been blipped here, but I've been waiting for ages for permission to blip it from Harborough Museum and now it is too late to change what I blipped instead.

My write-up then was a little misleading. This specific coin is actually a quarter stater and was actually made by an English tribe called the Trinovantes between 50-20 BC, although much of the Hallaton Treasure (the hoard it was found in) was Roman. Just to give you an idea of scale - this is probably slightly smaller than a 5p piece! Follow the link above for more information and links to the relevant websites.

A choice of songs today - both bring the memories flooding back for me! This money does indeed talk, but maybe it doesn't say exactly what Stevie V assumes, and indeed it must have been a rich man's world for the iron age folk, judging by the size of the hoard!

Photograph taken at Harborough Museum in Market Harborough, and blipped by kind permission of Leicestershire County Council.

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