Eye to Events

By i2events

We've been moved.....

For two weeks at the begining of this month, some of us were moved by the Olympics. Moved by the opening cermony, the triumphs, the tribulations and the outright bizarre. I say "some" because it is probably an unestimatable number. I cannot even say the majority, even though the viewing figures move the ratio in that direction. There are many out there who consider any sport as a waste of time and what is more, its broadcast was a waste of television air time. There are those out there that view those two weeks of sport as an eternity. Life can certainly be disconcerting.
These people on the High Street today were a bit disconcerted to find that their bank had been moved. I know we live in a fast changing World, but to turn up at an establishment that probably holds your life savings and to be met by a barren shopfront must knock you initially.
The man to the left is a bit of a lay preacher who regularly bursts into some great Welsh hymns. I must admit he has a cracking voice. He used to walk the streets holding a banner aloft, that proclaimed Jesus. It looks like that has been removed also.

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