
By KirstyHalbert

Holly Drops.

M and I woke up this morning to a really thick haar hanging over the city. Everything was wet and glistening with dewdrops, and very beautiful in its own way. I was torn between a view of a holly leaf or a spiders' web, but ended up plumping for the holly leaf as it looked so jewelled. Shame about the Christmassy connotation it being August, but never mind!

This evening I was meant to be going out for dinner with one of the girls in my class at Uni, plus a few others, but the girl who upset me two weeks ago was going along too and I eventually decided I didn't want to go. I'd been dreading it all week and when I woke up this morning it was the first thing I thought of... As much as I really want to see T off to Edinburgh and wish her well, I knew the argument would spoil the evening for me. Even more importantly, the last thing I wanted was to make things uncomfortable for T (who, as far as I'm aware, doesn't know about the disagreement), so I've texted her to arrange another evening of drinks at a later date. I feel like a wuss, but I'm still so upset by what went on that I just couldn't face going along. What a shame.

I was feeling pretty rubbish about it all, but when I got home tonight I had a lovely surprise waiting for me - the fog had grounded all the choppers flying out of Aberdeen today so M had been bumped until tomorrow. By the time I got home the fog had lifted anyway, so we went for a walk in Duthie Park and then spent the rest of the evening chilling out and looking at more flats online; there are loads of nice ones out there if you're willing to pay the money and you can move in quickly. M has a 6am check-in tomorrow so an early night for us.

Edit: this shot has now gone up to my 'highest rated' spot, along with my swan shot of a few months back. Thank you all so much for the stars!

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