
By GracieG

A delicate Subject!

There is a theory that striking a match in the bathroom after you shall I put it...paid a more ‘significant’ visit to the toilet than the more frequent kind, will eliminate any lingering odours.
Having done a little reading into this theory, the perceived wisdom is thus:
 When a match is struck, the first thing to burn is the head. The head of a match contains a chemical cocktail that includes a lot of sulphur. In the initial burst of combustion products there is therefore a lot of sulphur dioxide. Sulphur dioxide is an extremely pungent substance, to which the smell receptors are extremely sensitive. But it also has a very efficient numbing effect on the sense of smell. You can smell a minute amount of sulphur dioxide, but when you have done so, you will not smell anything else for a while.
Personally, I rather like the smell of a match after it is blown out.
I haven’t put it to the test because of course it could not possibly be necessary in my case (oops...was that my halo slipping!), but I thought that a match strike could be a suitable subject  for the Mono Monday challenge of ‘hot’, kindly hosted today by The Aphid.

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