18th Birthday for Cecilia

6th November 2016:

This our new star Cecilia, student nurse at St Johns Hospital, with Mary and auntie Phil in the background
She is an orphan and found her way to our place in Katoto looking for help.
She had been accepted for nursing, but little else except the clothes on her back. No phone, no money and no place to stay.

Rose our secretary as become her mother and her daughter Ella, is her sister and the best of mates.

We have a donor for her fees and we supply the accommodation.

She is an amazing young woman, bright, always cheerful and an amazing worker. She works with us any time she is not studying and is Cecilia loved by all

Probably a match made in Heaven.

She will be that kindest amazing nurse and a genuinely beautiful person.

The birthday party was simple and most of the stuff seen here id for next week as she moves back to the hostel accompanied by two other strays

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