Letting Off Steam

Quite early this morning I noticed this blackbird chick sitting on the fence, all nicely backlit by the early morning sun. It seemed in no hurry to move so I got the camera and sneaked out onto the deck.

Much to my delight, while I was still focused on the chick, it opened its beak and called to the nearby parents for food. Each time it called, out of its mouth came little puffs of steam.

It was easier than I expected to capture the puffs.  I guess at 7 a.m. the air was still cool enough after our recent cold snap for these baby bird breaths to show up.

This will be my last blip for a little while as tomorrow I am to have surgery on my spine. I hope to still follow your journals when I can on my mobile phone. However, I won’t subject you to endless phone blips of the end of my bed.

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